As an innovative developer, marketer, and distributor of a revolutionary bioherbicide range of products, Contact Organics, joined the movement supporting regenerative agriculture. Contact Organics’ Managing Director Frank Glatz was invited to the launch of Common Ground film at the Tribeca Film Festival. The Tribeca Festival is a synonym for creative expression and entertainment. The Tribeca Film Festival is annual event that brings artists and diverse audiences together to celebrate storytelling in all its forms, such as film, TV, music, audio storytelling, games etc.
Common Ground was a resounding success at the Tribeca Film Festival and won the Human/Nature Award.
Regenerative agricultural practices are in line with Contact Organics’ core philosophy – working with nature to revitalize the soil with a safe and effective weed control alternatives. Contact Organics, along with many other dedicated regenerative agriculture supporters are at the center of this revolutionary movement.
From Kiss the Ground filmmakers Rebecca and Josh Tickell, Common Ground, is narrated by Laura Dern, and presents an urgent message about the poisonous practices within American food systems. Common Ground emphasizes the need to face the reality of our food systems and how profits and power are the driving force behind them.
Common Ground is a brilliant movie featuring amazing regenerative farmer Gabe Brown and educator Ray Archuleta, that are on the Global Advisory Board of Contact Organics. If you have not seen Kiss the Ground, please check it out, and then get ready to see Common Ground!
Common Ground is supported by actors like Laura Dern, Jason Momoa, Rosario Dawson, Woody Harrelson, Ian Somerhalder, Donald Glover and more – the film aims to rally for the transition of 100M more acres of US land to regenerative by tripling the reach and impact of our first film.
Both Kiss and Ground and Common Ground emphasize Regenerative Agriculture and the need to use these agricultural practices. Why is regenerative agriculture important? Why is soil so important? Because it makes and sustains life. At Contact Organics, we understand how our products support soil health microbiology and why is it so important. A two year study was conducted at the University of Missouri by Dr Bob Kremer which demonstrated the beneficial affects of Weed Terminator for the microbiome of the soil. Click here to read the summary, this is definitely in-line with regenerative agricultural concepts.
Regenerative Agriculture is important because it utilizes a system of farming practices that increases biological diversity, enriches soils, improves water holding capabilities, and enhances ecosystems. Regenerative Agriculture capture carbon and aboveground biomass, reversing current global trends of atmospheric accumulations. Regenerative Agriculture practices, capture carbon and improve soil health simultaneously. Healthy soil is the basis for improving the quality of life for all species and the environment. Regenerative Agriculture implementation is expected to increase to 100M Acres over the next few years.

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